College-level training professionals and technicians of high school level with emphasis on selfless service to the community.
To incorporate 10 professional graduates into the labor market annually.
Institutionalize Scholarship Program Hands Together Mexico AC
Provide scholarships to 30 students to start the program.
Secure sources of funding for the program
a) full scholarships will be awarded only for studies in official institutions. In the case of scholarships in private institutions approved by the Scholarship Committee, the scholarship will be partial, and the amount of financial assistance or benefits shall not be greater than that given to scholarship students in public institutions.
b) Applicants must meet the program selection requirements and be approved by the Scholarship Committee and must be subject to regular assessments of compliance with the requirements for staying scholarship.
c) Fellows will undertake in writing to pay certain hours of community social service institutions Manos Juntas in Mexico point while they are studying and after graduation. Failure to comply with this requirement shall be grounds for suspension of the grant during the study time or resources to pay for graduate and professional employees.
All applications must be reviewed and approved by the Scholarship Committee for the grant is awarded. The Committee's decisions are final, but during the selection process the Committee may request information or conduct studies and / or additional consultations before reaching a decision.
The Scholarship Committee will be composed as follows:
- Director A.C. Mexico Hands Together
- Representative of Mexico Hands Together B.C.
- Scholarship Program Manager
- Pastor of Immar appointed District Superintendent
The types of scholarship to be awarded under this program are:
- Full scholarship covering all tuition fees, tuition, transportation and education expenses, as appropriate.
- Partial Scholarship, which covers only part of the costs mentioned above.
- In the case of scholarships that require support in foreign institutions, the scholarship will cover the expenses agreed by Hands Together with local churches to participate in the program in the cities covered by the program:
- Rio Bravo (Temple The Sower)
- Reynosa (Temple The Path)
- Matamoros (Temple El Buen Pastor)
- Ciudad Victoria (Temple ---------)
- Monterrey (5 Flags)
No help for maintenance will be awarded elsewhere.
The educational levels are eligible for grant are:
- University Level (UAT, UANL)
- Technical University (Technology of Reynosa, Matamoros, Victoria)
- Preparatory (official Preparatory)
- Preparatory Technical (CONALEP, CBTIS, COBAT)
For the approval of grants will be taken into account:
- Socio-economic study of the applicant
- Level up 8.0 ratings
- Result of Vocational and Psychological Assessment Profile
- Accept and meet the Service Commitment
The program is directed primarily to the following people:
- Members and children of members of the Methodist Church of Mexico
- Children of pastors Immar
- Workers or children of workers related organizations or associations with Immar
- General public